SAP job offers, do you want to join our project?

If you are looking for a job in SAP consultancy that fulfils you, and in which you feel listened to and valued, you’ll be interested to see our job offers.

Seeing as the objective for both parties - that’s you and us - is to be equally as satisfied with our professional relationships in SAP consultancy, let’s put our cards on the table right away! Don’t you think?

At LOYIC we are captivated by:

  • Talent.
  • People who enjoy working in teams of SAP consultants.
  • People who are motivated to continually learn, to develop and constantly improve themselves.


Our job

Send us your CV

Would you like to do
work experience with us?

These are some of our secret ‘weapons’ to persuade you:

  • Your talent is paramount. And we will nourish it every day
  • We will guide you in your incorporation. Until you are familiar with the working environment and with your work colleagues, (it won’t take long, we promise) you will have someone alongside you who’ll let you know what is required of you and what you have to do to achieve it.
  • We’ll support you, so that you are trained in those areas that you consider essential for your professional development. We’ll also guide you in doing it, offering you our vision. Because if you grow, the team grows. And because what’s good for you, is good for all of us.
  • We will recognise your good work and we’ll apply the principle of the author Charles Dickens to your mistakes: “Every failure teaches a man something, if he will but learn.”
  • You’ll feel part of a group which has commitment and drive. You’ll enjoy being with colleagues who inspire you (you’ll also inspire them, we’re sure of it) and with whom you’ll want to spend time outside the office.

So what do you think? Are you on board?


LOYIC experiences

  • Manuel SAP Developer - Barcelona
    “The best thing about LOYIC are its employees, the team of people who work here. It’s a great place to make a living. I have learnt how to programme and to perform some really important tasks.”
    Manuel, Developer - Barcelona
  • Susana Senior SAP Consultant - Barcelona
    “For me the best bit about LOYIC is the working environment. It makes it a nice place to work… friendship, collaboration…

    LOYIC represents a great opportunity for my professional development, to learn and to enjoy being at work. At LOYIC I have learnt so much and I continue to do so every day. Not just about SAP FI, RE-FX, PS…, but about how to work as a team, always striving for quality in our work.”
    Susana, Senior Consultant - Barcelona
  • Xavier SAP Developer - Barcelona
    “I’ve learnt how to work as a team and to share out the tasks. I’ve learnt how to programme and I’ve learnt a language and a new technology that I didn’t know about. I’ve got used to being in a company, in a work environment, and maintaining standards.”
    Xavier, Developer - Barcelona
  • Cristian SAP Developer - Barcelona
    “The best thing about LOYIC is the atmosphere, because it’s like one big family and we get along really well; we work as a team.”
    Cristian, Developer - Barcelona

Even if there isn’t a vacancy within our offers which matches your profile, please still send us your CV. We will save it (honestly)and you’ll be included in all our selection processes that match up to your training and experience.

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El responsable del tratamiento es LOYIC. La finalidad del tratamiento es resolver las dudas que nos pueda plantear por este canal de comunicación.

Puede ejercitar sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión así como otros reconocidos en la normativa de protección de datos remitiendo escrito a la dirección a C/ Tres Creus, 104, 3.º 2.º, Sabadell (Barcelona) Spain. Puede obtener más información en la privacy policy.

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If you are an IT, technology or business studies student, or you have training in an area related to SAP, you can apply to learn alongside us. What do we promise? That you’ll grow and feel useful from the very first day, within a group that will take you in and show you the way.

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Data protection information

El responsable del tratamiento es LOYIC. La finalidad del tratamiento es resolver las dudas que nos pueda plantear por este canal de comunicación.

Puede ejercitar sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión así como otros reconocidos en la normativa de protección de datos remitiendo escrito a la dirección a C/ Tres Creus, 104, 3.º 2.º, Sabadell (Barcelona) Spain. Puede obtener más información en la privacy policy.

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